SGPA to Percentage Calculator: Easy Formula & Step-by-Step Conversion Guide

SGPA to Percentage Calculator

SGPA to Percentage Converter


Using our SGPA to Percentage Calculator, you can easily calculate your score in a few seconds. We’ll also provide examples and break down the process to ensure you understand how it works. Let’s dive in and make this conversion easy for you!

What is SGPA?

SGPA stands for Semester Grading Point Average and is a grading system used to evaluate your performance in a particular semester. SGPA provides a standardize way to access and compare student performance. It is commonly used by many colleges and universities in India.

What is sgpa and how sgpa to percentage converter work

Elements of SGPA

To understand and calculate SGPA, you must have an idea of some key elements like Semester, Credit hours, and grade points

Semester: The period for a semester is 6 months. Academic years are usually divided into 2 semesters and details and better course learning.

Credit Hours: Each subject in your semester has a specific number of hours that reflects the time and effort expectation for that subject.

Grade Point: These are numerical values that represent the performance of students in a particular subject that they learn during the semester.

How to Calculate Your SGPA?

Calculating SGPA is very simple and general. Just follow the below steps to calculate your SGPA

  1. Make a list of credit hours assigned to each subject.
  2. Multiply the grade of each subject by its credit hour.
  3. Sup up the all results (call it total scores)
  4. Sum up all credit hours
  5. Finally, divide the total scores by total credit hours.
  6. Now it’s your SGPA.

Example of Calculation:

SubjectCredits (C)Grade Point (G)
Subject 148
Subject 237
Subject 329
Subject 436

  1. Multiply grade points with credits:
    • Subject 1: 4×8 = 32
    • Subject 2: 3×7 = 21
    • Subject 3: 2×9 = 18
    • Subject 4: 3×6 = 18
  2. Sum up these values: 32+21+18+18 = 89
  3. Total credits: 4+3+2+3 = 12
  4. SGPA = 89 / 12 ≈ 7.42

Why Convert SGPA to Percentage?

Converting SGPA to percentage is important for multiple academics and educational purposes. Many universities or employers require percentages instead of GPA points. For example, if you’re applying for an internship during your studies, they may ask you for a percentage instead of SGPA. 

How to Convert SGPA into Percentage?

Now we know why we need to convert SGPA to Percentage. Let’s see how we can do it. The process of converting SGPA to percentage involves a specific formula that works on a 10.0-point scale.

The most commonly used formula is

Let’s break this into 2 steps:

Step 1: Multiply your SGPA with 10

Step 2: Subtract 7.5 from the result of step 1.

The conversion formula can be slightly different in some colleges and universities based on their grading system. However, the above formula is most widely used in Indian educational institutions.

For example, your SGPA for a specific semester is 7.5. Now let’s calculate the percentage using the above-mentioned formula.

Step1: SGPA * 10

7.5 * 10 = 75

Step2: Step1 – 7.5 = 75 – 7.5= 67.5

For your 7.5 SGPA, the percentage will be 67.5

SGPA into Percentage Conversion Table (10 Grade)

10 SGPA in Percentage92.5%-100%
9.9 SGPA in Percentage91.5%
9.8 SGPA in Percentage90.5%
9.7 SGPA in Percentage89.5%
9.6 SGPA in Percentage88.5%
9.5 SGPA in Percentage87.5%
9.4 SGPA in Percentage86.5%
9.3 SGPA in Percentage85.5%
9.2 SGPA in Percentage84.5%
9.1 SGPA in Percentage83.5%
9.0 SGPA in Percentage82.5%
8.9 SGPA in Percentage81.5%
8.8 SGPA in Percentage80.5%
8.7 SGPA in Percentage79.5%
8.6 SGPA in Percentage78.5%
8.5 SGPA in Percentage77.5%
8.4 SGPA in Percentage76.5%
8.3 SGPA in Percentage75.5%
8.2 SGPA in Percentage74.5%
8.1 SGPA in Percentage73.5%
8.0 SGPA in Percentage72.5%
7.9 SGPA in Percentage71.5%
7.8 SGPA in Percentage70.5%
7.7 SGPA in Percentage69.5%
7.6 SGPA in Percentage68.5%
7.5 SGPA in Percentage67.5%
7.4 SGPA in Percentage66.5%
7.3 SGPA in Percentage65.5%
7.2 SGPA in Percentage64.5%
7.1 SGPA in Percentage63.5%
7.0 SGPA in Percentage62.5%
6.9 SGPA in Percentage61.5%
6.8 SGPA in Percentage60.5%
6.7 SGPA in Percentage59.5%
6.6 SGPA in Percentage58.5%
6.5 SGPA in Percentage57.5%
6.4 SGPA in Percentage56.5%
6.3 SGPA in Percentage55.5%
6.2 SGPA in Percentage54.5%
6.1 SGPA in Percentage53.5%
6.0 SGPA in Percentage52.5%
5.9 SGPA in Percentage51.5%
5.8 SGPA in Percentage50.5%
5.7 SGPA in Percentage49.5%
5.6 SGPA in Percentage48.5%
5.5 SGPA in Percentage47.5%
5.4 SGPA in Percentage46.5%
5.3 SGPA in Percentage45.5%
5.2 SGPA in Percentage44.5%
5.1 SGPA in Percentage43.5%
5.0 SGPA in Percentage42.5%
4.9 SGPA in Percentage41.5%
4.8 SGPA in Percentage40.5%
4.7 SGPA in Percentage39.5%
4.6 SGPA in Percentage38.5%
4.5 SGPA in Percentage37.5%
4.4 SGPA in Percentage36.5%
4.3 SGPA in Percentage35.5%
4.2 SGPA in Percentage34.5%
4.1 SGPA in Percentage33.5%
4.0 SGPA in Percentage32.5%
3.9 SGPA in Percentage31.5%
3.8 SGPA in Percentage30.5%
3.7 SGPA in Percentage29.5%
3.6 SGPA in Percentage28.5%
3.5 SGPA in Percentage27.5%
3.4 SGPA in Percentage26.5%
3.3 SGPA in Percentage25.5%
3.2 SGPA in Percentage24.5%
3.1 SGPA in Percentage23.5%
3.0 SGPA in Percentage22.5%
2.9 SGPA in Percentage21.5%
2.8 SGPA in Percentage20.5%
2.7 SGPA in Percentage19.5%
2.6 SGPA in Percentage18.5%
2.5 SGPA in Percentage17.5%
2.4 SGPA in Percentage16.5%
2.3 SGPA in Percentage15.5%
2.2 SGPA in Percentage14.5%
2.1 SGPA in Percentage13.5%
2.0 SGPA in Percentage12.5%

How SGPA to Percentage calculator work?

To use our SGPA to percentage calculator, just follow the below steps

  1. You will get your percentage with a pie chart.
  2. Select your grading system
  3. Enter your SGPA in our calculator.
  4. Click on the Calculate button
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Changing SGPA to Percentage in Different Indian Colleges

There are some colleges and universities that have different formulas for converting SGPA to percentage, it is just because they have different grading systems.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH)

This is a common formula used by JNTU.

Percentage = (SGPA−0.75)×10

For example, if your SGPA is 8.0, the percentage would be: (8.0−0.75)×10 = 72.5%

Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)

Percentage = (SGPA×10)−7.5

In VTU, the formula slightly differs. If your SGPA is 8.0, the percentage would be: (8.0×10)−7.5 = 72.5%

Anna University SGPA to Percentage Calculator

Some institutions, like Anna University, use a direct multiplication of the SGPA by 10.

Percentage = (SGPA)×10

So, if your SGPA is 8.0, the percentage would be: 8.0×10 = 80%

Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU)

MDU uses the same 9.5 multiplier often used in the CBSE system.

Percentage = (SGPA×9.5)

If your SGPA is 8.0, the percentage would be: 8.0×9.5 = 76%

Mumbai University (MU) SGPA to Percentage Calculator

Mumbai University (MU) uses 7-point and 10-point grade system. Both have different formula to convert SGPA to Percentage. For 10-point grade system, formula is:

Percentage = (SGPA×7.1)+11

Mumbai University uses this slightly more complex formula. For an SGPA of 8.0: (8.0×7.1)+11 = 67.8%

Chandigarh University SGPA to Percentage Calculator

At Chandigarh University, the formula subtracts 5 from the SGPA multiplied by 10.

Percentage = (SGPA×10)−5

For example, if your SGPA is 8.0: (8.0×10)−5 = 75% 

This means that the same SGPA could result in different percentages depending on the institution’s conversion method. Always refer to your university’s official guidelines for the exact formula used.

Do you Know?

How to convert SGPA to Percentage SPPU?

Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) uses a straightforward formula for converting SGPA to percentage:

Percentage = (SGPA × 10) − 7.5

For example, if your SGPA is 8.5, your percentage would be: (8.5 × 10) − 7.5 = 85 − 7.5 = 77.5%

Easily calculate your SPPU SGPA to Percentage with our SGPA to Percentage SPPU Calculator. Save time and avoid errors—try it now!

Do you Know?

How to convert SGPA to Percentage SPPU?

Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) uses a straightforward formula for converting SGPA to percentage:

Percentage = (SGPA × 10) − 7.5

For example, if your SGPA is 8.5, your percentage would be: (8.5 × 10) − 7.5 = 85 − 7.5 = 77.5%

Easily calculate your SPPU SGPA to Percentage with our SGPA to Percentage SPPU Calculator. Save time and avoid errors—try it now!

Differences between SGPA, CGPA, and GPA

If you have a plan to study abroad, then you must know about these three terms CGPA, SGPA, and GPA.

Stands for Cumulative Grade Point AverageSemester Grade Point AverageGrade Point Average
CGPA is a standardized grading system that helps to assess student’s performance for their entire courseIt is a number that is used to evaluate the performance of students for a specific semester.It is the sum of all grades that a student achieves in his/her education divided by the number of credits.
It is the average of grade points from all semesters combined.It considers only the subjects taken during one semester for the calculation.GPA is used more broadly and globally, especially in countries like the US, to measure academic performance.
Tips to Improve Your SGPA and Academics

To improve your SGPA and overall academic performance, consider the following strategies:

Set Clear Goals: Start each semester with specific academic targets. By defining what you want to achieve in each subject, you enhance focus and motivation throughout the semester.

Create a Realistic Study Schedule: Time management is essential. Develop a timetable that allocates adequate time to challenging subjects while balancing other activities. Prioritize studying early and avoid cramming before exams.

Attend Classes and Participate: Consistent attendance and active participation in lectures ensure you’re engaged with the material. Interaction with professors and classmates helps clarify doubts and fosters a better grasp of topics.

Utilize Resources: Make use of all available resources, including libraries, online materials, and academic support services. Group studies and tutoring sessions can also enhance problem-solving skills.

Revise Regularly: Frequent revision helps reinforce understanding. Techniques like spaced repetition can aid in long-term retention, ensuring you grasp the material well before exams.

Seek Feedback: Regular feedback from professors or peers can help identify areas of improvement. Constructive criticism will enable you to refine your study habits and performance.

Stay Healthy and Manage Stress: Physical and mental well-being is critical for academic success. Ensure you’re eating well, getting enough rest, exercising, and managing stress through relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing.

By following these tips, you can enhance your SGPA and maintain academic balance throughout your college journey.


That’s all, folks! You’ve now got a simple way to convert your SGPA to percentage using our handy SGPA to Percentage calculator. We’ve also broken down the formula and examples to help you understand the process. So, use it to track your progress and move closer to your career goals. Best of luck!


SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average), represents your performance for a specific semester while CGPA is used to evaluate the performance of all semesters.

To convert SGPA to CGPA, add the SGPA of all semesters and divide by the total number of semesters. For example, you had SGPAs 7,8,6,8.5 in 4 semesters so CGPA = (7+8+6+8.5) / 4 = 7.37

Mostly SGPA is measured on a 10.0 grading scale, so the highest SGPA will be 10.

You can use our sgpa to percentage converter. However, the most commonly used formula to convert SGPA into percentage is Percentage = (SGPA * 10) – 7.5

If you use our SGPA calculator, you will find that 7.5 SGPA in percentage is equal to 67.7% which is good. B+ letter grade as per the UGC guidelines.

We can calculate 8 SGPA to percentage using the general conversion formula:

Percentage = (SGPA * 10) – 7.5

Percentage = 80 – 7.5

Percentage = 72.5%

Many Colleges and Universities use different formulas to convert SGPA into percentage based on their grading system. It is always advised to concern your university for accurate calculation.